Page 118
Graham, reaching his arm up to scratch at the back of his head: “You know, he isn’t as bad as you think. He’s got a soft side that is actually pretty charming.”
Dante, arms outstretched and palms up in disbelief: “I don’t understand how you can defend him!”
Preston is seen in the foreground looking down at a grasshopper that is on a plant. Dante in the distance is heard saying “He’s a menace! All he does is terrorize!”
The grasshopper leaps onto the dirt path, and away from Preston. Preston looks in awe and follows after it.
Graham and Dante are still arguing in the distance, unaware that Preston has left.
Graham: “He’s a good person, Dante.”
Dante, exasperated: “YOU DON’T EVEN LIKE HIM!”
Hey this webcomic looks really cool! Keep up the good work! ^^
Thank you! 😀