Dante Ignazio

Dante is a shy priest raised in the Gospel. He is kind to a fault, but truly believes that no man is born evil. He strives to live to gospel, but to do that he must bury a part of himself, something that becomes harder the moment he meets Preston.
‘Preston Burke’

 Strange man who washed up on a beach one stormy night. He remembers nothing about himself or his past, yet his body is adorned with strange, tattoo-like markings…

a good listener. however, it doesn’t say much.
Graham ????????

 Dante’s Best Friend – rather chipper and upbeat. Can be found tending the gardens of the Austrian church he makes his home in.
Tobias ????????


 One of the two who awoke in a random forest in Tuscany. He seems to be lacking some sense of humanity.

 The other of the pair who awoke in a random forest within Tuscany. The taller of the two, he seems to have issues looking at the big picture. He seems to be utterly focused on finding someone…